The Seaside Mystery

Part 1: Alone in the sand


Contemplative thought,
‘I wish she didn’t leave me.’
A line in the sand.

Weak castle gone now,
A lump of earth now remains,
Next time, more inland.

Found a wallet here.
No identification.
A visiting card.

Part 2: Who is it?


Off at night to search,
Put a face to the known name,
The address is known.

Listening to beats,
The lull of soothing hip hop,
Nujabes is love.

Streets draw narrower,
Buildings grow dull, and grayer,
‘It must be here…’.. seems…

Part 3: A Shadowy Workplace


Brown and rusty lamps,
A place to earn one’s living,
Dirty, gray pavements.

Abandoned, it seemed.
Empty, alone but alive.
Waiting.. to turn on.

Memories of past,
A life not ever his own,
He now found a door.

Part 4: The Curious Lights


Walking along aisles,
Thinking about his lost wife,
‘Who is this person?’

A clash of metal,
Suddenly aware of self,
The Lights were now On.

‘Was this normal?’ – thought.
The lights were flickering now,
Power surge, or more?

Part 5: The Next Step


Lighting up a cig,
Washing away all the pain,
Burning heart, now soot.

Clearly wrong place,
Or could it be the wrong time?
Either way, move on.

There was a number,
Scribbled on the dirty wall,
Leaving the workplace.

Part 6: Following the Next Clue


‘Hello?’ pried the voice,
‘Who is this?’ She asked this time..
‘How did you find me?’

Clearly, it’s strange,
The effort put in for others,
For complete strangers.

‘Who is on the line!’
She was clearly quite scared,
‘I found a wallet…’

Part 7: Discovery


‘I found a wallet…’
His throat was suddenly dry.
‘… and well, I found you.’

He bared all to her,
Told her about the strange lights,
The scribbled number.

‘I’m sorry’, she said.
‘You’ve got the wrong person here,’
‘Please.. don’t call again.’

Part 8: *-click-*


Once again, the beach.
Looking for some other clue,
Heart breaking again.

Thoughts of his lost child,
Flood of failing emotions.
The divorce still stang.

Crying in the sand,
Once more come the memories,
Sand, tears, smoke and… hush.

Part 9: Another Clue?


He sat near his start,
He pondered over action,
He was quite clueless.

Looked at the wallet,
Looked at the now gray, sandy beach,
Wondered what to do.

The waves reeled back-forth,
He moved with them, in sync.
What was he here for?

Part 10: Memories


A painful marriage,
A beautiful, caring wife,
A bottle of rum.

Money and safety,
Secure job and honest life,
Pathetic ethic.

Illness of the past,
Stinging the hem of his soul,
Nothing left here now.

Part 11: The Wallet


An empty pocket,
A long time without a job,
Sleepless sandy nights.

Opened it again,
Read that strange visiting card.
Greater clarity.

There was a name too,
Lost in self, did not pay heed,
Sad.. it was his own.



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