The Golden Dragon who Flew and Lived

Part 1: Birth


Across the sunshine,
Through the misty fire clouds,
There were borne dragons.

One dragon mother,
A hundred colourful kids,
Single golden child.

Born with joyous cries,
Asking his mother for feed,
He was now living.

Part 2: Youth


Crying till he learnt,
Asking made for better speech,
He was seen to grow.

Learning how to growl,
Breathing fire, cooking food,
Independant now.

The dragon took flight,
Left the misty fire clouds,
Went beyond the sun.

Part 3: The Blue Dragon


Afar there were hills,
Great cool lakes, fresh green forests,
Other dragons too.

The Blue Dragon closed,
She was a unique beauty,
Intertwined, with him.

A clash of power,
Exhilaration, emotion,
Together, till end.

Part 4: Age of Togetherness


Hundred centuries,
The immortal dragons loved,
Not two now, just one.

Flying together,
The setting sun came too close,
And another morn.

Burning their fires
Too close to their hearts and souls,
Burning.. till the end.

Part 5: Enter the Green Dragon


Twas an old tale told,
Spat between lovers, and hate,
The Blue one, was cold.

Another took flight,
Ooh! A Green, Giant Dragon!
Too good to be true.

Poison colored eyes,
Heart, green with untold envy,
This dragon was bad.

Part 6: Fitting in


Green came between them,
Tried to seduce the blue one,
Failed, time and again.

Yellow, Green then Blue.
Thats how colors transition.
They didn’t want to.

There was no peace here,
The Green was an outsider,
He desired the Blue.

Part 7: Commencing War


Grounding him with force,
The Green Dragon was fierce,
Jealous yes, and strong.

Gold knew what to do,
Shine bright and win the sad fight,
He didn’t want war.

Some things.. No control.
Other things.. fully controlled.
Fire and Earth… FIGHT.

Part 8: War of Fire and Earth


Their world was burnt Red,
Yellow and Green, Black and White,
All to preserve love.

This fight was unjust,
The Green had no right to fight,
Wings tore and hearts burned.

Envy was now dead,
Compassion strived forward now,
The Sun shone again.

Part 9: Beyond Death


Greed and lust, now gone.
Peace balancing out, slowly.
Death – New beginning.

Green caused pain, that’s true.
Green symbolises life, too.
A fresh start to live.

A shadow had left,
Blue and Gold were one again,
A new age began.

Part 10: Rebirth


Time began afresh,
Things to do and things to eat,
Had dinner with stew.

After the sweet night,
The early morning breeze blew,
Heralding the day.

Flying again now,
For love and freedom, than war,
The Dragons felt Joy.

Part 11: A New Dusk


New Worlds came again,
Over and over, lived lives,
Golden-Blue delight.

Dragons came again,
Milky white, black is night too,
Red, Pink, Purple.. all.

Night too, came again.
An orange dusk, soothing breeze,
The end, of a Day.



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